If you're looking for some halal Mexican food with select few Spanish influenced ones, then J's the right place to be. Limited seating downstairs but I heard that they can fit 20 pax upstairs.
menu |
Menu selection is somewhat limited, but it's good that they chose to focus on what they do best. At J's, one could expect nicely presented food, and of good portion size.
Started off the meal with Chef's Salad, which was served in a very elongated plate. Yes, very.
Chef's Salad @$18++ |
daily servings of greens |
Though the long plate enabled easier sharing amongst two tables, it was a pity that the ingredients aren't evenly distributed. One end had all the smoked salmon, mozarella while the other end had some good eggs with soft yolk. Unless you need your greens and your main course doesn't have any, then go for this. Otherwise, skip this and go for other appetiser.
Soup of the day - mushroom @$8++ |
Mushroom soup was served very hot, and thus be warned. Tasted smooth and liked the enoki mushrooms in it.
For main course, our table had quesadillas, paella and sirloin beef.
Chicken Quesadillas - $22++ |
The quesadillas looked good, and bet it tasted good too.
yummy |
Paella seemed like a perennial favourite amongst the patrons of the restaurant. Almost every table has it. But fajitas might well be the top favourite as I saw plates after hot plates being served.
Paella (single serve) - $28++ |
Paella (servings for 2) - $39++ |
The saffron paella looked appetising with its yellow hues but the proteins in it which consist of chicken, salmon and tilapia all tasted somewhat the same. Liked that the paella was done with extra moistness. How about a seafood version soon?
sirloin beef @$32++ |
grass-fed New Zealand beef - done medium rare |
The beef was done up pretty good. Pink center and its sides charred appropriately. Good meaty chew, juicy at center parts and smokey char good at its outer sides. Loved the garlic mash. So yummy. Enoki appeared again and it was so good to be eaten with the garlic mash. Didn't fancy the carrot though.
Didn't have a chance to get desserts though as the churros were sold out by the time we finished our mains.
Expect to spend about $40 to $50 per pax. With the Entertainer App, you could enjoy savings when dining at participating restaurants. J's included as one of the Entertainer Singapore 2015 merchants.