Grand Copthorne Waterfront is within walking distance from M Social where I was having my staycation. Hence, took the opportunity to schedule a dinner with a colleague to try out the à la carte Buffet Riverside Barbecue at Food Capital. Thank you Gilbert and Food Capital for extending the invitation!
Safe-entry and temperature checks at the hotel lobby and another safe-entry check-in at Food Capital. Inform the staff of your reservation and they will provide a tag for you to wear on the wrist. Staff will then lead you to your table.
our view for the night
i got tag
There is a Launch Special where diners could enjoy the buffet at 30% off. Below are the promo prices:
Lunch: $45.50++ (usual price $65++)
Dinner: $59.50++ (usual price $85++)
(Lobster for Dinner only)
Prices are subject to 10% service charge and 7% GST
Terms and conditions apply. Buffet menus are subject to changes. 1 serving of Lobster per diner.
To order, simply pick up the various order chit from the container on the table. We took some time to scrutinise the 'menu'.
order chit
Let's lay out the different food sections:
what shall we start with |
As per usual, we were cautious with our first order since we are not so sure about the portion size. Ordered the Seafood On Ice (available for dinner only), 2 portions of salmon and tuna sashimi, for the tempura, you could indicate the portion and circle the items that you like, and some spicy smoked salmon. I also had a jar of wood ear salad.
top left clockwise: Seafood on Ice, Sashimi, Smoked Salmon, Tempura and Wood Ear Salad in the center
wood ear salad
I ordered a glass of M Wine Red as the promotional price was $10++ per glass. For buffet, a cup of coffee/tea is included. For other beverages, just need to pay additional.
my fav drink at Millennium Hotels
Was happy with the sashimi. Fresh and good! So we had second helpings of this. But in the second round, the tuna was of a different cut hence, not so satisfying as the first plate.
tuna and salmon sashimi
For the Seafood On Ice, the langoustine was rather difficult to eat with its pokey shell. Was trying not to get cut by it, the clams were quite good actually, and the prawns were as usual firm and nice. The scallops and mussels were... a bit tough.
prawns, scallops, langoustine, clams and mussels
Next, was the tempura. The brinjal and sweet potatoes were enjoyable. Ebi was nice too although a bit limp.
Next up, was the anticipated arrival of the grilled seafood platter and of course, the limited serving of lobster.
Fusion BBQ Grilled Platter with 3 sauces
hello there, beef sirloin
Pro-tip: Must must get the chinchalok sauce. Best sauce ever!
there's pork belly and chicken drumstick too
Hmm, the least enjoyable was the pork belly. I'd pick the chicken drumstick over the pork belly. Let me know what you think if you had tried it too. The squid was flavourful but it'll give the jaw a good workout.
sirloin steak
The main highlight for me, was the lobster. Cooked just right, with sweet flesh. So satisfying!
look at that beauty
As lobster was just one serving, the next best, would be the live prawns. Yums! For me, all the grilled items except the squid and the otah, would go well with the chinchalok sauce. The sauce has quite the spicy kick, but so yummy and not pungent as thought.
Grilled Live Prawns
I like the laksa here, so introduced it to my friend.
Ok, by now we are stuffed. But not too stuffed for a sampling of the dessert.
waffle with yam ice-cream
choco fountain coated fruit skewer |
And with that, we could eat no more.
Once again, thank you Gilbert for the invite and Grand Copthorne Waterfront Food Capital for the à la carte Buffet Riverside Barbecue.
Grand Copthorne Waterfront lobby
Food Capital
Location: Lobby, Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel
Business Hours:
Lunch: 12pm to 230pm (Saturday & Sunday)
Dinner: 6pm to 10pm (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
For reservations, please call 8168 1539, email or visit this link